2016-2017 Officers & Directors

Officers & Directors

Board of Directors - July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017

President Dr. Cheryl Mae Craft  
President Elect Donna Tohidi Anderson  

Executive Board

VP Finance Kathie Giordano  
VP Development Jessica Niblo & Monica Zacharia  
VP Membership Virginia Young & Leslie Young  
VP University Relations Priscilla McClure  
Recording Secretary Marlene Dennis & Christina Conti  
Corresponding Secretary Judith Mancini  
Parliamentarian Judith Buter  
Advisory Council Liaison Keitha Russell  


Special Events Chair Betty Hollingsworth  
Scholar Recognition Luncheon Yolanda Walther-Meade  
  Sharon Fadem  
  Donna Tohidi Anderson  
  Audrey Jessup  
Spring Fundraiser Audrey Jessup  
  Mary Hiestand  
  Donna Tohidi Anderson  
  Keitha Russell  
Hospitality Diane Deshong & Marcela McKenna  
Immediate Past President Yolanda Walther-Meade  
Directors-at-Large Linda Bowling  
  Lynne Brickner  
  Glenda Patton  
  Carol Towne  
Honorary Directors Rosemary Booth  
  Mary Y. Davis  
  Gay Goerz  
Web Adminstrator Peggy Vogt  


Past Presidents

Florence Malouf* 1958-1960 Marion Defore 1960-1962 Julie Bergin 1962-1964
Jeanne Sully* 1964-1965 Rosemary Herd Booth 1965-1966 Vera O'Larry Handley 1966-1968
Jean Douglas*  1968 Penny Alison  1968-1970 Marilyn McDaniel  1970-1971
Midge Clark  1971-1973 Barbara Knight* 1973-1974 June Ruud*  1974-1976
Norma Coyle*  1976-1977 Jeanne Bailey*  1977-1978 Sharon Swaton Black*  1978-1980
Marilyn Puckett  1980-1982 Darla Mueller*  1983-1984 Bobbie Galpin*  1983-1984
Barbara Harris*  1984-1986 Gay Goerz  1986-1988 Barbara McCoy*  1988-1990
Nadine Acker  1990-1992 Charlotte Meier*  1992-1994 Suzanne Dillard*  1994-1996
Sandy Midgley  1996-1998 Judith Miller  1998-2000 Mary Y. Davis  2000-2001
Maggie Russell*  2001-2002 Linda Bowling  2002-2004 Edwina Broderick  2004-2006
Sandi Walker*  2005-2006 Lynne Brickner  2006-2008 Mary Hiestand  2008-2011
Gay Goerz  2011-2012 Yolanda Walther-Meade  2011-2014  


Thanks from Janelle Liu, Graduate Student at University of California, Los Angeles

"Thank you for your generous financial support towards my higher education.  I am investigating the neural basis of language learning in the infant brain.  To do this, I use neuroimaging techniques to examine the functional and structural connectivity of the developing brain.  Ultimately, I plan to pursue a career in academia to become a leading professor in my field.  In the world of academic research, the quest to secure funding is a constant struggle.  The ARCS Foundation has alleviated that burden for me and made it possible for me to pursue my passions in scientific research.  Thanks to you, I am able to devote more time to my research and focus on what I love to do."

Thanks from Courtney Yaeger, Graduate Student at University of California, Los Angeles

"Thank you so much for generously supporting me through my graduate program in neuroscience.  With you help, I am able to dedicate more of my time to making new discoveries about neural circuitry!  With funding opportunities becoming smaller and more competitive than ever, your contribution has a big impact!  Thank you for helping me in business - we will make you proud!

Thanks from Erick Moen, Graduate Student at University of Southern California

"Becoming an ARCS Scholar truly changed my graduate career.  It gave me the opportunity to connect with my current advisor, Dr. Andrea Armani, and the freedom to focus on expanding my research.  My work is very multi-dimensional, spanning topics ranging from nonlinear optics to biology to virtual reality.  These types of investigations require collaborations across disparate departments and are very difficult to complete without external support.  Recently, because of this research, I was named one of the top five PhD students in the Electrical Engineering department at USC, the only American this tear to receive the honor.  As a result of this award, I will have a leadership role within the department, encourage students and be a resource for expanding innovation.  It is a powerful illustration of the influence the ARCS Foundation has on its scholars."